Lin Cheng’s team went deep into the jungle to search for the secret of Elixir of Life, the LithosperLin Cheng’s team went deep into the jungle to search for the secret of Elixir of Life, the Lithospermum glabra. In the journey, Lin Cheng met a mysterious girl. He took the girl with him, but then was attacked by a huge snake. The rest of his team was all dead. Lin Cheng took the girl back to the city, and his career hit the bottom. Later, he realized that the huge snake with the DNA repair enzymes was also in the city. Lin Cheng decided to raise the snake girl in order to get it. When they were getting along with each other, love secretly grew in the heart of the two, but for fame and money, Lin Cheng still decided to use her to catch the huge snake. He took the snake to his lab, ready to proceed with the dissection. She was very disappointed and ran away with the snake. Mr. Jiang took a hunting team to the jungle to search for the huge snake. It was when Lin Cheng realized his mistake. He dropped out from the team and found the snake girl. He asked her to trust him and they would run away together. Unfortunately, to protect the jungle and the huge snake, she sacrificed herself....123K电影网免费提供《SnakeGirl》高清中字BD1280在线播放,《SnakeGirl》迅雷资源,《SnakeGirl》国语,粤语版本高清在线观看,《SnakeGirl》完整高清未删减版在线观看。123K电影网所有迅雷下载资源以及在线观看资源由云端程序自动抓取,如果你喜欢《SnakeGirl》最新一期,欢迎分享《SnakeGirl》给你的好友,本片只做交流学习,请勿用于商业利益行为,请支持《SnakeGirl》正版影片!请下载观看后24小时内删除,感谢支持!《SnakeGirl》在内地动作,惊悚,冒险发行,123K电影网最新全集电视剧电影高清免费在线观看收集了《SnakeGirl》pc网页端在线观看、手机mp4免费观看、高清云播放等资源,如果你有更好更快的资源请联系。123K电影网首页最新全集电视剧电影高清免费在线观看。(本剧情介绍由123K电影网全集电视剧电影高清免费在线观看喜欢看内地视频的电视剧TV编辑,更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解)。相关搜索: 内地动作,惊悚,冒险《SnakeGirl》百度百科,《SnakeGirl》主题曲,《SnakeGirl》剧情介绍《SnakeGirl》演员表,《SnakeGirl》在线免费观看完整版。SnakeGirl免费在线观看全集完整版详情
主演:岑勇康,凯利·麦克,克里斯·沙利文,Anthony E. Cabral,Richard Cotovsky,Jeff Dlugolecki,Jennifer Jelsema,Thomas Kosik,Steve Pringle,Madrid St. Angelo,詹姆斯·斯旺顿,Preston Tate Jr.,贾斯汀·维尔伯恩,Michael B. Woods,Arif Yampolsky